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Capture Balls in Cave Monster
Cave Monster features a total of four different balls that can be used to capture Aeris. The rarity of the ball corresponds to its effectiveness in capturing Aeris, with rarer balls offering a higher chance of success.
Aeris Ball: Level 1
Zera Ball: Level 2
Lyska Ball: Level 3
Nerma Ball: Legendary Ball
Aeris, Zera, and Lyska Balls can be easily obtained through Basecamps or as simple rewards. However, the Nerma Ball is the rarest and most powerful ball in the game and will not be available from the beginning. Instead, it will be sporadically unlocked through missions or by achieving a higher PvP rank. The Nerma Ball will be initially introduced through a questline for players with the introduction of Legendary Aeris.
As players progress through the game, they will have the opportunity to collect and utilize these different capture balls strategically. Whether it's capturing common Aeris or attempting to capture elusive Legendary Aeris, having the right ball for the job can make all the difference in a successful capture.
Healing Potions and Revive
In Cave Monster, it's crucial to restore your Aeris to full health if they become injured during battle. To accomplish this, various types of potions are available, each providing different levels of healing based on their size.
Small Potion: Restores a moderate amount of health to your Aeris.
Medium Potion: Restores a significant amount of health to your Aeris.
Large Potion: Restores a large amount of health to your Aeris.
These potions can be found at Basecamps and are readily available for players to utilize. However, their effectiveness in restoring your Aeris' health varies depending on their Size. Larger potions provide a greater amount of health restoration.
In the heat of battle, should your Aeris fall, fear not! Cave Monster provides a special item for reviving your fallen Aeris. This revive item can be used on any fallen Aeris with ease, restoring 40% of its health.
Special Elixirs in Cave Monster
In Cave Monster, special elixirs are rare and valuable items that can enhance the base stats of your Aeris by a certain number of points. These elixirs are highly sought after, as they offer players the opportunity to fine-tune their Aeris and optimize their performance in battle.
Each elixir corresponds to a specific base stat, such as Attack, Vitality, Agility, or Special Attack. By using these elixirs strategically, players can address any deficiencies in their Aeris' stats and create the perfect Aeris for their team composition and battle strategy.
However, due to their rarity and potency, players are advised to use these elixirs wisely. They are obtained through the conquest of higher-level caves, where formidable challenges await. With limited availability, players must carefully consider when and how to utilize these powerful items to maximize their effectiveness in battle.
As these items are exceptionally rare and valuable, they will also be introduced as NFTs in the game and sent directly to players' wallets. This unique feature allows players to trade or exchange these elixirs with other players, offering a potential solution for those in need of a specific elixir.