
Character Customization and Progression

At the outset of the game, players have the opportunity to create their own unique character, with options to choose from various genders and customize additional features. These customization options include selecting hairstyles, hair colors, eye colors, facial expressions, and body shapes. Furthermore, players can unlock additional accessories for their characters by reaching milestones, earning rewards from PvP tournaments, or defeating event raid bosses.

As the game progresses, the integration of NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) will introduce further customization possibilities. However, these features will be gradually introduced in later stages of the game, a point we will delve into in greater detail later on.

The maximum character level upon the game's release will be Level 60. This level cap may be increased in future updates. Players can increase their character's level by accumulating EXP (Experience Points), which they can acquire by defeating or capturing Aeris. Additionally, EXP can be earned through completing missions, winning raids, and reaching milestones.

Real-World Movement Integration and Checkpoints

In Cave Monster, the player's real-world movement directly corresponds to their in-game character's actions. As players traverse paths in the real world, their in-game character follows the same route. Throughout these journeys, players encounter checkpoints, also known as base camps, strategically placed at various locations. At these checkpoints, players can acquire essential items such as capture balls for Aeris, healing potions, or various fruits for feeding Aeris.

From the outset, players' in-game characters possess no inherent abilities or attributes. However, the introduction of NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) enables the augmentation of these attributes. These enhancements may include bonuses to capturing or attacking Aeris. It's important to note that these bonuses are exclusively active during open-world exploration and hold no bearing in PvP battles. During PvP encounters, all additional attributes are disabled, placing emphasis solely on the prowess of the player's Aeris and their strategic skills.

Factions in Cave Monster

In Cave Monster, players have the opportunity to align themselves with one of three distinct factions/ tribes. While the choice of faction may influence the narrative of certain missions, all factions receive the same rewards for completing missions. Additionally, players from different factions can join forces to participate in Raids and engage in duels.

However, if a Basecamp is occupied by players from a faction other than their own faction before a Raid, players from the remaining two factions will not receive any bonuses associated with that Basecamp.

Despite their allegiance to different factions, players are encouraged to collaborate and strategize together to overcome challenges and achieve victory in the world of Cave Monster. Whether it's exploring, conquering powerful Aeris, or claiming dominance in Raids, players from all factions can work together to make their mark on the game world.

Backpack Inventory System

Every character in Cave Monster carries a backpack to store their capture balls, potions, or fruits. At the outset, the backpack has a limit of 1,000 items. However, players have the opportunity to expand their backpack's capacity through various upgrades and enhancements.

As players progress through the game, they can unlock improvements to increase their backpack's size, allowing them to carry more items on their adventures. These enhancements might include finding rare items or completing specific quests that grant backpack expansion rewards.

With an expanded backpack, players can venture further into the world of Cave Monster, confidently stocking up on essential items for their journey and ensuring they're fully prepared for any challenges they may encounter along the way.

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